Awake Your Authentic Self

linehamIt took me a while to find a good title for this site. First I had “Self Improvement”. Although this is a good title in itself, and probably covers most of the content, it was too generic and didn’t fit my ultimate goal.

This website is a personal project in which I would like to share my ideas around Self Improvement, Communication, Personal Growth & Effectiveness.  For me Personal Effectiveness isn’t about learning new tricks, but about discovering your True Self and your core values: getting rid of all the bad habits, limitations and false beliefs people have been gathering over the years.

So I started the search to find a good title with a better fit to the content. I had various version in the last couple of weeks and thought that “The Authentic You” was a good fit. After checking with Google I found out it was not original, so I was back at the starting point.

I will not bother you with all the titles that I came up with, but finally “Awake Your Authentic Self” was born. I cannot promise I will never change it but think this is the perfect fit for what I try to communicate: How to awaken to your Authentic Self, be the person you always were without the conditioning of family, work, society, etc.


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