The Why Cafe Review

The Why CafeThe Why Cafe – John Strelecky

This book tells the story of John who, after a long drive and at a dead end in his life, arrives at the Why (Are You Here) Cafe. The waitress, cook and guests are not what you would expect in a normal roadside diner. While reading the menu he is faced with three unusual questions:

  • Why Are You Here?
  • Do You Fear Death?
  • Are You Fulfilled?

John soon finds himself engaged in long discussions about the meaning of life and especially his Purpose For Existence.

I really enjoyed The Why Cafe as it is fun to read and full with advice on what really matters in life. Although the book does not answer how to find one’s Purpose For Existence, it can be an eye opener if you feel you are stuck in a unfulfilled job or generally in life.

The Why Cafe is a great book to give away for someone who can use a little help in finding his or her meaning in life.

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